New Earth Living for Our Future Light-leaders

Brilliant & Barefoot and Embodied Brilliance are what the New Earth Souls are calling forth in order to flourish as healthy Divine humans.

They’re the “classes” and “subjects” that aren’t taught in schools and that are most likely missing from your child’s current life experience, homeschool curriculum, learning pods and/or un-schooling adventures.

Or from their early child development and from the conscious parenting and new age baby books you might have read.

Both offer new ways for children to connect with their body, so they anchor their Light on Earth, while deepening their connection to nature and the Divine, so they live as their true radiant self in form.

Learning how to be at home in a body IS a child’s true educational experience and this is what needs your loving attention now more than ever.

Because the relationship your child has with their body – and their Light – is the partnership of a lifetime and this connection is their foundation to thrive in every stage of life.

The awareness of their body is so foundational to their daily life, that it actually precedes social-emotional learning, emotional intelligence, mindfulness and more.

Knowing how to nurture this awareness is essential to your child’s overall health and way of being in the world. So they have a clear, loving connection to their body and know, love and trust who they are.

It’s why our future Light-leaders need learning experiences that include not only how to navigate their sensations and emotions, but that also support the awareness of their body & Soul as a whole, integrated expression of being human.

Because without that solid foundation, it’s challenging to grow their Spirit on Earth – free of the world and its many changes.

That’s why Brilliant & Barefoot and Embodied Brilliance were created to support our next generation in feeling more at home in their body, so they’re free to express their Light and share their gifts in ways that are meaningful and authentic to who they are.

Where the curriculums differ is simply in the how.

Brilliant & Barefoot is where your family’s New Earth adventure begins. This pathway focuses on the Sacred connection your baby/child has between their feet and the Earth, and how that relationship supports the developmental freedom of their physical body and Soul.

Embodied Brilliance is where the adventure continues, focusing on the 7 senses: body awareness, sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and movement, and how they help your child embody and express their essence.

What makes both curriculums so unique, is that they also include you – the parent, nurturer, caregiver – as part of the experience too. So that you deepen the connection to your own body as you learn more about your child’s and become a Sacred Guide along their path.

Both experiences also deepen and nourish the connection your child has to the Earth and all of the natural elements, because it’s an essential part of their becoming. Being in nature is a playground of curiosity for their body, where their natural biorhythms are recognized and honored.

It’s time for a new way forward that allows our future Light-leaders to truly flourish and share their beautiful wisdom and brilliant creative gifts, while staying true to who they are – as they’re loved into being.

You can learn more about these New Earth Pathways of Light here:

Brilliant & Barefoot

Embodied Brilliance

* And be sure to also explore our digital guide on The Truth About Developmental Milestones, to nurture your child’s unique developmental path with more freedom and ease.